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Prof. Wahyu Widowati Hadiri Pengukuhan Guru Besar di Universitas Kristen Maranatha
Pada Selasa, 18 Februari 2025, Prof. Wahyu Widowati menghadiri acara pengukuhan tiga guru besar di …
Sherly Santiadi 28th January 2020 Activites Leave a comment 564 Views
Pada Selasa, 18 Februari 2025, Prof. Wahyu Widowati menghadiri acara pengukuhan tiga guru besar di …
Name : Dr. Wahyu Widowati, M.Si.
Position : Head Director
Speciality : Biomedical Science
Medical Research Centre, Faculty of Medicine, Maranatha Christian University,
Bandung 40164, Indonesia
S1 | S2 | S3 | S3 |
Universitas Brawijaya | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Universitas Padjadjaran | Fakultas Kedokteran |
Toksikologi | Toksikologi | Toksikologi dan Antioksidan | Biomedik |
1979-1983 | 1992-1994 | 2001-2004 | 2013-2016 |
Tahun | Topik |
2011 | Potency of Flavonoids Increase the Differentiation of Peripheral Blood Stem Cells to Endothelial Progenitor Cells |
2011 | Green Tea Extract Potential to Increase Peripheral Blood Stem Cells to Endothelial Progenitor Cells |
2011 | Ethanolic and Water Extract of Curcuma mangga Val, Piper betle L., Catharanthus roseus [L] G.Don , Dendrophtoe petandra L. Inhibit and Prevent Breast Cancer Malignancy |
2012-2013 | Hypoxic and Normoxic Condition to Produce Condition Medium Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Human Umbilical Cord (HUC) as Anticancer Agent |
2012-2013 | Mangosteen Peel (Garcinia Mangostana) Extract Potency of Antimalarial, Antioxidant and Artemesinin Combination Therapy |
2013-2014 | Production of Condition Medium from Human Wharton’s Jelly Mesenchymal Stem Cells as Anticancer |
2013 | Development of Mangosteen Peel Extract as Antiinflammatory, Antiplatelet, Anticholesterol Inhibit cardiovascular Diseases |
2014 | Mangosteen Peel (Garcinia mangostana L) Extract and Xanthones as Antiadipogenesis in HepG2 Cell Line |
2015-2017 | Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells-Condition Medium (hMSCs-CM) Derived Wharton’s Jelly Induce Apoptosis on Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs) |
2015-2017 | Mangosteen Peel (Garcinia mangostana L) Extract and Xanthones as Antiinflammatory in RAW 264.7 Cells and Antidislipidemic in Athersclerotic Rat |
2016-2018 | Engineering human Wharton’s Jelly Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hWJMSCs) to Increase Anticancer of (hWJMSCs and Conditioned Medium (CM-WJMSCs) |
2016-2018 | Homing and Regenerative Potency of Wharton’s Jelly Mesenchymal Stem Cells Inhibit Osteo-Arthritis |
2016-2018 | Production of Conditioned Medium from Human Adipose Tissue derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells as Antiaging Candidate |
2018 | Isolation and Induction on Natural Killer (NK) Cells Using Interleukins for Breast Cancer Application |
2018 | Topical Gel from Conditioned Medium Adipose Tissue Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) Therapy |
2018 | Profiling Oncology Gens, Apoptosis and Autophagy Glioma Cell Line froam Brain Cancer Patients |
2018 | Isolation, Characterization Breast Cancer Cells from Breast Cancer Patients |
Nama : Rizal A., B.Sc., M.Biotech., M.Sc
Jabatan : Director of Laboratory Development
Bidang Ilmu : Stem Cell Technology and Molecular Biology
S1 | S2 | S2 |
Universitas Hasanuddin | Universitas Gadjah Mada | The University of Nottingham, UK |
Biologi | Bioteknologi | Stem Cell Technology |
2006-2010 | 2011-2014 | 2015-2016 |
Tahun | Topik |
2010 | Isolasi bakteri laut pendegradasi petroleum dan hexane |
2013 | Application of CHA-gelatin sheet to enhance proliferation and differentiation of umbilical cors blood stem cell from Indonesian Neonates for tissue engineering purposes |
2016 | Developing strategy for testing dCas9 CRISPR optogenetics for gene regulation in human embryonic stem cell |
Name : Hanna Sari Widya Kusuma, B.Sc
Position : Director of Publication
Speciality : Biology
S1 |
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
Biologi |
2010-2014 |
Tahun | Topik |
2016 | Freeze Dried Berbagai Jenis Buah sebagai Antiobesitas secara in Vitro, ex Vivo dan in Vivo |
2016 | Aktivitas Dan Mekanisme Molekuler Antikanker Ekstrak Cosmos caudatus (Kenikir) Terhadap Kanker Servik |
2016 | Aktivitas Penghambatan Kerja Enzim Elastase oleh Collagen Teripang |
2016 | Anti-Inflammatory Potential of Gandarusa (Gendarussa vulgaris Nees) and Soursoup (Annona murica ta L) Extracts in LPS Stimulated-Macrophage Cell (RAW264.7) |
2016 | Antioxidant and Anti Aging Assays of Oryza sativa Extracts, Vanillin and Coumaric Acid |
Name : Rismawati Laila Qodariah, B.Pharm, Apt.
Position : Development Manager
Speciality : Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
S1 | Profesi |
Institut Teknologi Bandung | Institut Teknologi Bandung |
Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi | Apoteker |
2011-2015 | 2015-2016 |
Name : Annisa Amalia, B.Sc
Position : Research Assistant
Speciality : Biochemical Analysis
S1 |
Universitas Padjadjaran |
Biologi |
2006-2010 |
Tahun | Topik |
2013 | Saung Ulin Cangkurileung : Wahana Bermain dan Belajar Melalui Permainan Tradisional Sunda untuk Siswa SDN Cikeruh Kecamatan Jatinangor Sebagai Upaya Efektif Melestarikan dan Mencegah Erosi Budaya Sunda |
2014 | BUHILI (Bambu Hitam Lestari) untuk Angklung Alat Musik Tradisional Warisan Dunia: Kajian Pengaruh Faktor Lingkungan |
2015 | Emic dan Etic Angklung Sebagai Warisan Budaya Dunia |
2017 | Mekanisme Biomolekuler Ekstrak dan Fraksi Kunir Putih (Curcuma mangga Val.) Sebagai Antidiabet |
2017 | Ekstrak Daun, Ranting, dan Kulit Batang Buah Sesoot (Garcinia picorrhiza Miq) sebagai Antiobesitas secara in Vitro, ex Vivo dan in Vivo |
Name : Fajar Sukma Perdana, B.Sc
Position : Supply and Logistic Manager
Speciality : Biomedical Science
S1 |
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
Biologi |
2014-2018 |
Name : Zakiyatul Khoiriyah, B.Sc
Position : Publication Manager
Speciality : Biotechnology
S1 |
Universitas Jember |
Biologi |
2011-2016 |
Tahun | Topik |
2016 | Optimization of the Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Production with a CF-10H5 Cell Line using Design of Experiments (DoE) |
2015 | Diversitas Genetik Vektor Dengue Aedes aegypti (L.) Berdasarkan DNA Pengkode Internal Transcribed Spacer 2 (ITS2) |
2014 | Biomass Support Particles (BSPS) Rhizopus oryzae menggunakan Arang Bambu : Peluang Produksi Biodiesel Dari Algal Oil Scenedesmus sp. Asal Pantai Papuma Jember |
Name : Ubaydillah Zedd Munshy, B.Sc
Position : Research Assistant
Speciality : Molecular Biology and Microbiology
S1 |
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
Biologi |
2014-2018 |
Tahun | Topik |
2018 | Molecular Phylogenetic Relationship of Banana Cultivars (Musa Spp.) in Bali Based on DNA Sequences of ITS1 Region |
Name : Ni Luh Wisma Eka Yanti, B.Sc
Position : Research Assistant
Speciality : Stem Cell and Molecular Biology
S1 |
Institut Teknologi Bandung |
Bidang Ilmu Biologi |
2013-2018 |
Tahun | Topik |
2017 | Directed Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells into Chondrocytes using Micropatterning Method: Stem Cell Application Study for Cartilage Tissue Engineering |
Name : Annisa Arlisyah, B.Sc
Position : Administrator
Speciality : Biotechnology
S1 |
Universitas Brawijaya |
Teknologi Pertanian |
2011-2015 |
Tahun | Topik |
2015 | Deteksi Gen Transgenik pada Produk Berbasis Kedelai dengan Metode PCR sebagai Upaya Implementasi Pelabelan PRG (Produk Rekayasa Genetika) di Indonesia |
2017 | Optimasi Metode Ekstraksi DNA untuk Mendeteksi Daging Babi menggunakan PCR |